Thursday, February 10, 2011

It's Time To Love Hockey All Over Again

With a possible NFL lockout looming, where will sports fans find entertainment during the winter? Sure, basketball is all good and well, but it's time to rediscover a sport that doesn't get its due justice here. America, I'd like to reintroduce you to hockey.

How this sport has lost so much attention is beyond me. Perhaps it is due to the lockout during the 2004-05 season. Well, it's time to forgive and forget. It fast paced and hard-hitting, sometimes even more violent than football. In an age where bloodsports like MMA and football are popular, how does the NHL go unnoticed? Perhaps even more impressive is the skill needed to play hockey. The coordination required to make pinpoint passes and shoot laser beam shots while moving full speed on skates is off the charts. Goalies have to stop pucks flying at speeds of over 100 miles per hour while being screened by opposing players. Defensemen have to skate backwards almost as fast as the wings do going forwards.

Yet, despite all of this, most people either refuse to watch or do not realize what they are missing out on. I have a great number of friends who enjoyed watching the NHL Skills Competition they hold during the All-Star break. They were literally amazed at the talent these professionals possess. Yet, inexplicably, they still refuse to watch once the games resume. Sports fans, it is time to give hockey another chance.

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